Salzburg studies in english literature.

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Support: Revue
Langue: Anglais
Publié: Salzburg : Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg.
Lien: Est constitué de: Prometheus unbound and Hellas, an approach to Shelley's lyrical dramas, John Sewel Flagg
Est constitué de: William Cobbett and the politics of earth, Gerald Duff
Est constitué de: The Strategy of joy an essay on the poetry of s. t. Coleridge, Jr George H. Gilpin
Est constitué de: Divine analogy, A study of the creation motif in Blake and Coleridge, Warren Stevenson
Est constitué de: Shelley's The revolt of Islam, by James Lynn Ruff
Est constitué de: Keats and the critics, 1848-1900, Thomas Meade Harwel
Est constitué de: The darkening chamber, the growth of tragic consciousness in Keats, Jacob Wigod
Est constitué de: William Wordsworth und die romantische paradieseskonzeption, Dorothea Steiner
Est constitué de: The road to Rydal Mount, A survey of William Wordsworth's reading, By Ronald B. Hearn
Est constitué de: Loneliness and communion, a study of Wordsworth's thought and experience, Kenneth Eisold
Est constitué de: Byron, the critical voice, Vol. 1, Introduction et general criticism, Bruce Wallis
Est constitué de: Studies in relevance, Romantic and victorian writers in 1972, Thomas Meade Harwell
Est constitué de: Byron, the critical voice, Vol. 2, Self criticism et criticism of individuals and works, Bruce Wallis
Est constitué de: The function of the persona in the poetry of Byron, Jane Kirchner
Est constitué de: The magazine reviews of Keats's "Lamia" volume (1820)
Est constitué de: Jane Austen, spatial structure of thematic variations, by Joseph A. Kestner
Est constitué de: The deathless train, the life and work of Robert Smith Surtees, David R. Johnston-Jones
Est constitué de: A study of shelley's, defence of poetry, A textual and critical evaluation, Vol. 1, Fanny Delisle
Est constitué de: A study of Shelley's, A defence of poetry, A textual and critical evaluation, Vol. 2, Delisle Fanny
Est constitué de: The Essential voice in the later Wordsworth, by Dorothea Steiner
Est constitué de: The clear synthesis, a study of William Wordsworth's stylistic development as a descriptive poet from 1793 to 1808, by Bowman G. Wiley
Est constitué de: Letters of William Cobbett, edited by Gerald Duff
Est constitué de: Shelley's polar paradise, a reading of Prometheus unbound, by William H. Hildebrand
Est constitué de: The German literary influence on Byron, by M. Roxana Klapper
Est constitué de: George Eliot and Judaism, William Baker
Est constitué de: The German literary influence on Shelley, by M. Roxana Klapper
Est constitué de: John and Michael Banim, The "O'Hara Brothers", A study in the Early Developpment of the Anglo-Irish Novel, Mark D. Hawthorne
Est constitué de: Browning's clerical characters, by Charles Thomas Phipps
Est constitué de: A critical edition of Robert Browning's "Bishop Blougram's Apology, by Frank Charles Allen
Est constitué de: The hero and heroine of Shelley's The Revolt of Islam, Alicia Martinez
Est constitué de: Shelley in the twentieth century, a study of the development of Shelley criticism in England and America 1916-1971, by Nancy Fogarty
Est constitué de: Some George Eliot notebooks, an edition of the Carl H. Pforzheimer library's G. Eliot holograph notebooks, vol. I, MS 707, William Baker
Est constitué de: A Relish for Eternity, The process of divinization in the poetry oh John Clare, Dr Greg Crossan
Est constitué de: The prose style of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, by L. M. Grow
Est constitué de: The poetry of George Crabbe, by B. B. Jain
Est constitué de: Two studies in romantic reviewing Edinburgh reviewers and the english tradition, The reviewing of Walter Scott's poetry, 1805-1817, Volume 1, J. H. Alexander
Est constitué de: Thomas Percy's, Life of Dr Oliver Goldsmith, Edited with an introduction an notes, Richard L. Harp
Est constitué de: The beauty and the terror, Shelley's visionary women, by Irvin B. Kroese
Est constitué de: Robert Browning's theory of the poet, 1833-1841, by Charles Leo Rivers
Est constitué de: Shelley's knowledge and use of natural history, by Lloyd N. Jeffrey
Est constitué de: Christabel as dream-reverie, Susan M. Luther
Est constitué de: The dramatic monologue, vox humana, by Frances Bridges Carleton
Est constitué de: The inextinguishable flame, Shelley's poetic and creative practice, by Dharni Dhar Baskiyar
Est constitué de: Charles Dickens as a familiar essayist, by Gordon Spence
Est constitué de: Mrs Gaskell as a novelist, by K.C. Shrivastava
Est constitué de: Essays in honour of Professor Tyrus Hillway, ed. by Erwin A[nton] Stürzl
Est constitué de: The critical reception of Browning's "The ring and the book," 1868-1889 and 1951-1968, by Ezzat Abdulmajeed Khattab
Est constitué de: The novels of Mary Shelley, by Safaa el-Shater
Est constitué de: The Poetry of Thomas Hardy, vol. 2, Birjadish Prasad
Est constitué de: Die Blume in der dichtung der englischen romantik, August Wilhem Hoffmeister
Est constitué de: New light on Byron, dir. James Hogg
Est constitué de: George Eliot and Spinoza, by Dorothy Atkins
Est constitué de: The lay of the last minstrel, three essays, J. H. Alexander
Est constitué de: Romantic criticism of Shakespearian drama, by John Crawford
Est constitué de: The Logic of passion, The literary criticism of William Hazlitt, John L. Mahomey
Est constitué de: Structural and thematic analysis of George Meredith's novel Diana of the Crossways, Renate Brückl
Est constitué de: Wordsworth criticism since 1952, a bibliography, by Ronald B[yron] Hearn ... [et al.]
Est constitué de: The Constance Byron symposium 1977, Manuscrit revision in Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto IV, 1-29, Hans Jürgen Diler et coll.
Est constitué de: The reception of Scott's poetry by his correspondents, 1796-1817, Volume I, J. H. Alexander, 84-1
Est constitué de: The reception of Scott's poetry by his correspondents, 1796-1817, Volume 2, J. H. Alexander, 84-2
Est constitué de: The Poetry of Thomas Hardy, vol. 1, Birjadish Prasad
Est constitué de: Two studies in romantic reviewing, Edinburgh reviewers and the english tradition, The reviewing of Walter Scott's poetry, 1805-1817, Volume 2, J. H. Alexander
Est constitué de: Tendencies of character depiction in the domestic novels of Burney, Edgeworth and Austen, a consideration of subjective and objective world, Vol. 3, Patricia Voss-Clesly
Est constitué de: Tendencies of character depiction in the domestic novels of Burney, Edgeworth and Austen, a consideration of subjective and, Vol. 2, Patricia Voss-Clesly
Est constitué de: Tendencies of character depiction in the domestic novels of Burney, Edgeworth and Austen, a consideration of subjective and objective world, Vol. 1, Patricia Voss-Clesly
Est constitué de: Thackeray, a study in technique, by S.K. Sinha
Est constitué de: Byron's readers, a study of attitudes towards Byron, 1812-1832, Keith Walker
Est constitué de: Byrons romantischer Nihilismus, von Jürgen Klein
Est constitué de: An intensifying vision of evil, The gothic novel (1764-1820), As a Self, contained literary cycle, Robert Ignatius Le Tellier
Est constitué de: Studies in nineteenth century literature
Est constitué de: The poetry of Thomas Hardy's novels, by Usha Walters
Est constitué de: Some George Eliot notebooks, an edition of the Carl H. Pforzheimer library's G. Eliot holograph notebooks, vol. II, MS 708, William Baker
Est constitué de: Studies in nineteenth century literature, Ashok Sengupta, Maria Emanuela Eisl, William Oxley... [et al.]
Est constitué de: The accomplishments of memory in Coleridge's " This lime-tree bower my prison ", Léonard Orr
Est constitué de: Tradition and experiment in the poetry of James Thomson (1700-1748), by R. R. Agrawal
Est constitué de: Ethics, by Benedict de Spinoza, translated by George Eliot, edited by Thomas Deegan
Est constitué de: Byron criticism since 1952, a bibliography, by Ronald B. Hearn ... [et al.]
Est constitué de: Keats criticism since 1954, a bibliography, by Ronald B. Hearn...[et al.]
Est constitué de: Poets' vision of history, Pratap Singh
Est constitué de: The Bard of Erin, Texte imprimé, a study of Thomas Moore's Irish melodies (1808-1834), Thérèse Tessier, translated from the French by George P. Mutch
Est constitué de: Coleridge's religious imagination, Vol. 1, Stephen Happel
Est constitué de: Coleridge's religious imagination, Vol. 2, Stephen Happel
Est constitué de: Coleridge's religious imagination, Vol. 3, Stephen Happel
Est constitué de: The demon and the poet, Texte imprimé, an interpretation of "The Rime of the ancient mariner" according to Coleridge's demonological sources, by Katherine Bruner Tave
Est constitué de: The english gothic novel, A Miscellany in four volumes, Volume 1, Contexts, Thomas Meade Harwell
Est constitué de: The evolving consciousness, an Hegelian reading of the novels of George Eliot, Sara M. Putzell-Korab
Est constitué de: George Eliot's knowledge of German life and letters, by Anthony McCobb
Est constitué de: The Hannover Byron Symposium, 1979, Gerd Birkner ... [et al.]
Est constitué de: Krindred spritis interrelations and affinities Between the romantic novels of England and Germany (1790-1820), Robert Ignatius Le Tellier
Est constitué de: Marmion, studies in interpretation and composition, by J.H. Alexander
Est constitué de: Memoirs of the Lady Hester Stanhope as related by herself in conversations with her physician, comprising her opinions and anecdotes of some of the most remarkable persons of her time, III, Hester Stanhope
Est constitué de: The myth of the golden age in English Romantic poetry, by Warren Stevenson
Est constitué de: The poetics of Byron's comedy in Don Juan, by John Cunningham
Est constitué de: Reconciliations, Studies in honor of Richard Harter Fogle, Mary-Lynn Johnson, Séraphia Leyda
Est constitué de: Scott's fiction and the picturesque, by Eric G. Walker
Est constitué de: The Sociology of the literature of politics Edmund Burke, 1, SNA Rizvi
Est constitué de: The Sociology of the literature of politics Edmund Burke, 2, SNA Rizvi
Est constitué de: Some George Eliot notebooks, an edition of the Carl H. Pforzheimer library's G. Eliot holograph notebooks, vol. III, MS 711, William Baker
Est constitué de: Some George Eliot notebooks, an edition of the Carl H. Pforzheimer library's G. Eliot holograph notebooks, vol. IV, MS 709-710, William Baker
Est constitué de: The Stille image in Keats's poetry, S. R. Swaminathan
Est constitué de: Studies in nineteenth century literature
Est constitué de: Studies in the romantics
Est constitué de: Stylistic media of Byron's satire, Erwin A. Stürzl
Est constitué de: Theme, embodiment and structure in the poetry of George Crabbe, by Rodney Stenning Edgecombe
Est constitué de: Travels of Lady Hester Stanhope, forming the completion of her memoirs marrated by her physician in three volumes, vol. 1, Herster Stanhope
Est constitué de: Travels of Lady Hester Stanhope, forming the completion of her memoirs marrated by her physician in three volumes, vol. 2, Hester Stanhope
Est constitué de: Travels of Lady Hester Stanhope, formint the completion of her memoirs marrated by her physician in three volumes, vol. 3, Hester Stanhope
Est constitué de: La Vie de Lord Byron en Italie, Volume 2, Teresa Guiccioli, A facsimile edition with an introduction by Erwin A. Stürzl
Est constitué de: La Vie de Lord Byron en Italie, Volume 3, Teresa Guiccioli, A facsimile edition with an introduction by Erwin A. Stürzl
Est constitué de: La Vie de Lord Byron en Italie, Volume 4, Teresa Guiccioli, A facsimile edition with an introduction by Erwin A. Stürzl
Est constitué de: La Vie de Lord Byron en Italie, Volume 5, Teresa Guiccioli, A facsimile edition with an introduction by Erwin A. Stürzl
Est constitué de: La Vie de Lord Byron en Italie, Volume 6, Teresa Guiccioli, A facsimile edition with an introduction by Erwin A. Stürzl
Est constitué de: La Vie de Lord Byron en Italie, Volume 7, Teresa Guiccioli, A facsimile edition with an introduction by Erwin A. Stürzl
Est constitué de: La Vie de Lord Byron en Italie, Volume 8, Teresa Guiccioli, A facsimile edition with an introduction by Erwin A. Stürzl
Est constitué de: La Vie de Lord Byron en Italie, Volume 9, Teresa Guiccioli, A facsimile edition with an introduction by Erwin A. Stürzl
Est constitué de: Women novelists, their contribution to the proletarian novel in the Victorian age, K.C. Shrivastava
Est constitué de: Wordsworth and the poetry of self-sufficiency, a study of the poetic development, 1796-1814, Brian Cosgrove
Est constitué de: "Eureka", Poe's cosmogonic poem, Susan McCaslin
Est constitué de: "King Romance, Rider Haggard's achievement, Hartwig A. Vogelsberger
Est constitué de: "A thousand images of loveliness" in Percy Bysshe Shelley's love poetry, by Ingrid R. Kitzberger
Est constitué de: Benjamin Disraeli in Spain and Malta, a monograph, by Donald Sultana
Est constitué de: Byron's narrative poems of 1813, two essays, by Daniel P. Deneau
Est constitué de: Byron and the magazines, 1806-1824, By Herman M[atthew] Ward
Est constitué de: Music of finer tone, musical imagery of the major romantic poets, by Sue E. Coffman
Est constitué de: The English prodigal son plays, a theatrical fashion of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, by Alan R. Young
Est constitué de: The critical reputation of Byron's Don Juan in Britain, by Jay A. Ward
Est constitué de: From innocence through experience, Keats's myth of the poet, Priscilla Weston Tate
Est constitué de: The lonely muse, a critical biography of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, by Bonnie Rayford Neumann
Est constitué de: The english gothic novel, A Miscellany in four volumes, Volume 2, Texts, Thomas Meade Harwell
Est constitué de: The english gothic novel, A Miscellany in four volumes, Volume 3, Collateral gothic 1, Thomas Meade Harwell
Est constitué de: The english gothic novel, A Miscellany in four volumes, Volume 4, Collateral gothic 2, Thomas Meade Harwell
Est constitué de: The quest for maturity, a study of William Wordsworth's "The Prelude, Penelope June Stokes. The essential voice in the later Wordsworth, Dorothea Steiner
Est constitué de: Studies in nineteenth century literature
Est constitué de: Memoirs of the Lady Hester Stanhope, Hester Lucy Stanhope
Est constitué de: Memoirs of the lady Hester Stanhope, Lady Hester Stanhope, II
Est constitué de: The Chariot of fire, A study of William Blake in the lighe of hindu thought, Charu Sheel Singh

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